Tree of Life

by Monique Wright

Can you smell Spring in the air? Maybe not, especially if you make it to the garden at 7 am and the temperature is 34F. But this has not stopped me and the other Rose Haven Heritage Garden volunteers-( Florence Rafulowitz, Emma Wright, Anabelle Wright, Diane Gonzales, Nardo, Anabelle Wright, Jill, and her daughter Poem, Kathy Trudreau, Nancy Kaplan, Byron )-from planning and getting Tree Of Life ready to bloom in the Spring.

Great things are happening at the Tree of Life! We have been able to repair all the damaged planters and even replaced three of the very damaged barrel planters. We’ve also installed mesh fencing around some of the raised beds, in order to protect all of our delicious vegetables from any hungry rabbits.

Not only have we been able to repair and improve upon existing structures, but we are also currently building a new planter by the entrance to plant grapevines. Additionally, we’re weeding and prepping a new area for our new medicinal and culinary herb garden.

Lastly, in preparation for the new planting season, indoor seeding has now begun, along with work to test and amend the soil, and confirmation that all irrigation is fully prepared and ready to go this spring.