English Roses, often called David Austin Roses, are a group of roses first introduced in 1969 by the English rose hybridizer David Austin.
David Austin has tried to create roses that combine the best elements of both Old Roses (roses introduced before 1867) and Modern Roses (Hybrid Teas, Floribundas and Grandifloras). He wanted to create roses that produced flowers with many of the forms of the Old Roses, such as cupped and rosette-shaped flowers, usually with many petals.
He wanted English Roses to repeat flower well, like the Hybrid Teas and other Modern Roses. He wished to bring forth English Roses in a wide variety of colors, such as yellows which are not common among the Old Roses. He also sought to include the strong fragrances of some of the Old Roses.
This was accomplished by crossing Old Roses, particularly those from the 18th and 19th centuries, with Modern Roses from the 20th century. David Austin crossed the Gallicas, Damasks, Portlands, and Bourbons with the Floribundas, Hybrid Teas, and Modern Climbers.